
Showing posts from 2018

Asha at Age 5

Highlights of the Year of Asha Age Five December: Dadu and Asha decorate a tiny Christmas Tree in India. February: Sunset in Mexico on a trip to visit Aunt Gail, Uncle Bruce, and Fer.  February: Sledding in our hood. March: Hiking in California with cousins.  April: A visit from Aunt Alesia and Uncle Mitch warranted a stop at Graffiti Alley in Baltimore.  May: Hunting for wildflowers in Shenandoah. June: Preschool Graduation  July: Shenandoah camping with cousins.  August: Missouri State Fair!!  September: Asha went to Claudia and Richard's wedding in Tuscany. October: Our cousins came to visit for Halloween.  Asha was a Snow Queen.  October: Asha went to Disney! November: For Thanksgiving we all went to New York City - we saw Wicked on Broadway, saw the Van Gogh Painting Starry Night at the MoMA, had fun on the Highline, and walked the streets. A Few of Asha's Favorite Things: ...