
Showing posts from December, 2019

Asha in her Sixth Year

Asha at Age 6 1. Color: Blue 2. Fruit: Mango 3. Vegetable: Bell Peppers 4. Breakfast: Nutella on Toast 5. Lunch: Bagel and Cream Cheese with a Kit Kat 6. Snack: Hot Chocolate 7. Dinner: Parathas and Dal 8. Drink: Mango Lassi 9. Dessert: Bread Pudding* 10. Candy: lolly pops 11. Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate with vanilla swirl 12. Animal: Tiger 13. Song: One Way or Another by One Direction 14. Book: Little Treasure by Colin McNaughtun 15. TV Show: Sophia the Great 16. Movie: Moana 17. Outfit:Sequenced Flippy Unicorn Sweatshirt 18. Toy: Dog Stuffy, Snowy 19. Thing to take to bed at night:Dog Stuffy 20. Game: Jenga 21. Thing to do outside: Play soccer 22. School subject: Math 23. Sport: Soccer 24. Vacation place: Missouri and India 25. Best friend: Mom and dad 26. What I want t be when I grow up: An engineer that builds robots 27. Favorite after school activity: sports and games 28: How to be a cool parent: Dads should wear a big gold cross and a gold shirt and ...