Pumpkin Mulligatawny

I'm reading up on the Complete Kama Sutra, which notes "a young girl should take herself off to an isolate spot to sixty-four arts". I am behind on this list and here are some of the areas I need to catch up on:

12. Water-spewing games
13. The use of charms, drugs, and magic words
28. Conundrums
36. Carpentry, sawing planks to make seats and beds.
42. Stockbreeding and raising rams, cocks, fighting partridges, and oranizing battles as for an army.
43. Teaching parrots and mynah birds to talk.
46. Understanding barbarous foreign languages (I only know English and Spanish)
57. The art of cheating

None of the arts involve soup, but now I am in the mood for a pumpkin mulligatawny, which is a rich soup which blends Indian flavors with English cream and apricot jam. The color of the pumpkin makes the onions seem invisible, although the recipe calls for a healthy onion stock which is carmelized with coriander, tumeric, and yellow curry powder. Oh, and there is one ray of sunshine added to this delicious soup -- a squeeze of lemon.


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